Monday, April 6, 2009

Follow Up: The Union - The Business Behind Getting High

This is a follow up to our review of The Union - The Business Behind Getting High. A few days after our examination of The Union was published, the MJO were contacted by the proprietor of Show Me the Facts, another website dedicated to various marijuana issues. Well it turns out that Show Me the Facts is also a big fan of The Union and was able to score an upcoming interview with Adam Scorgie, a co-creator of the documentary. This is the opportunity for us to have any questions we may have about The Union answered.

There are three ways that you can submit your questions to Show Me the Facts:
  1. Send your questions to with the subject "Question(s) for Scorgie."
  2. Use Show Me the Facts' online contact page. [Remember to use the subject heading above]
  3. Just leave your questions in the comments below and we would be happy to collect them and pass them along.
On a lighter note, we have to give Show Me the Facts some gruff for their note about our review at the end of their post. Somehow, Show Me the Facts stumbled upon our review and were nice enough to leave this blurb about it:
Not bad, huh? Undoubtedly, "honest" and "detailed" are two good things to be. So what's the problem? Well it turns out that this isn't the same text that was originally posted by Show Me the Facts. Instead, it said this:

Note that in this version our review is "amazing" and a "great read." [You may ask how we found out about this change, and no we are not crazy stalkers. Rather, when Show Me the Facts first posted they left a comment on our website. One of our other writers saw it and went to the website and took a screen shot because well a) we still can't believe other people actually read what we write and b) it said we were amazing and a great read!] Sadly, by the time I was able to personally get to it, the post had been already changed to the second version. So, Show Me the Facts, what happened in the interim period? Why are we no longer amazing? Did you read our review a second time and decide we weren't quite as good as you first thought? Or did your standards for "amazing" become more stringent over a few hours? We demand answers!

As for the rest of the Show Me the Facts website, it is very interesting. It seems to be a newer site, but it is chock full of useful information especially about medical marijuana. However, while at first we thought it was amazing and a great read, now we just find it to be honest and detailed. Just kidding. Show Me the Facts is a great website and we highly recommend that you check it out. Also, for all you Twitterers out there check out their tweets @SMtF. Until next time...

Update: As you can see in the comments below, Show Me the Facts has responded,updated his website, and actually had a correction post. We would like to thank SMtF for his kindness in the face of our shenanigans. Remember to check out

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